About us

We are graduate translators and communication experts, guaranteeing you excellent and consistent quality. Our quality standards, expertise, team cooperation and direct contact with you provide the foundations for our work. Language is a social phenomenon that becomes manifest only in its use in real situations. We take this seriously by working together to embed texts in their contexts, and by creating optimal solutions for you.

In choosing a cooperative structure for traduko and shaping our enterprise together, we have opted for a flat organisation, which is both social and sustainable. We make our decisions as a collective and keep administrative costs and workload as low as possible. 

Our aims

Providing access to information

It is our aim to overcome linguistic barriers with our language services, thus providing access to information. We do so by translating your texts and by adapting information for people with sensory or cognitive impairments (barrier-free communication).

Fair payment

Language services require a high degree of precision, a highly sensitive feel for language, and technical knowledge in order to grasp the complexity of text content, consider the linguistic nuances and decide how to communicate your message in the most appropriate way. We would like our team to receive appropriate payment for this demanding task. We therefore pass the fees paid by our customers on to our team members without inappropriately high deductions. We are able to achieve this through our cooperative structure. With our alternative business model, we take a firm stance against the conventional structures of many translation agencies.

Data security

In order to exchange work files efficiently while at the same time granting maximum data security, we use the end-to-end encrypted e-mail provider ProtonMail. This provider guarantees that not even the provider itself has access to our e-mail communications.

We also use the on-line cloud service sync.com both for our backups and for exchanging translation files with our customers. As opposed to other cloud service providers, Sync does not have access to our data saved in the cloud. On top of this, Sync does not share any user data with third parties.



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